- Visual Arts-
Samantha Pellarini founded The Non-Human Institute For Humanity in early 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic. TNHIFH investigates the meaning of "feelings of home" and "belonging." Which serves as a fundamental concept for the creative exploration of one's own identity.
Using a diverse range of mediums involving installations, and performance. Her daily practice revolves around collecting objects, making assemblages, sculptures, photographs and developing performances. She then employs them to delve into topics such as parallel universes, diaspora, and technological advancements inviting the visitor to play in her imaginary worlds.
Inspired by the movement of surrealism, ancient wisdom, and techno-futuristic perspectives. Composing immersive narratives that emphasize the human and non-human relations with our environment, creating safe spaces for people to experiment with new identities, share and transform ideas, and find comfort within discomfort. Integrating photography and film as a way to further mediate and document her works. Samantha Pellarini's works explore magic, utopian futures and alien worlds, within the framework of The Non-Numan Institute For Humanity. Making room for collaborative explorations giving a recurring participatory element to her artworks.
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